Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Identity Crisis

I feel a little bad for my novella right now.

First it got pushed to the side while I made revisions on the Big Book. Then I had the clever idea to switch it to third person. Five thousand words later, I realized first-person really suited the tone of the story better and switched back to that format. Now I'm digging through the middle segment, painstakingly replacing she, her, and they with I, my, and we.

It's a pain in the ass.

Why'd I decide to change it in the first place? Variety. Big Book is written in first-person, and I didn't want to start off as a one-trick pony...but first-person fits this novella, and while third-person might be a little easier for me (it gives me a little distance from the story), I was doing myself and the work a disservice by trying to force it into that medium.

It's also got a little bit of an identity problem going on. It's romantic, yes, but it has more of an adventurous bent to it than some romantic novellas I've seen. I tend to write my romantic scenes in one sitting and my adventure scenes in another (mostly because they require entirely different moods and music), so the thing is a little uneven at the moment. I'm planning to finish plugging the gaps tomorrow, after which I will print out the manuscript, let it sit for a week, and then it will be revision time.

Always a pleasure.

So I guess it's back on track. The immediate plan is to release both books on Kindle only and see if I can make the Amazon Select system to work for me. I'll be posting here what does and doesn't work.

Stay tuned!

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