Sunday, September 8, 2013

Getting underway

It's been a long few days, to say the least.

I'm pleased to announce that for the next week, A Good Old-Fashioned Rebound will be available for 99 cents. It seems the "free promotional days" from Kindle Select work best when you have a couple of titles to your name, so instead of using those up on one book, I'm dropping the price in an effort to boost sales.

In the next few days, I'm going to be strengthening my social presence (starting...gasp!...a Facebook page) and generally establishing myself as a presence rather than just a name with a book. I've also got a novella and a second novel in process, both of which will see publication before the end of the year.

From there, we'll see what happens.

Mostly I'm just happy the thing is finally up! This book has been a long time in coming (a year and a half, at least) so to really see it up there and in the hands of readers is very exciting and rewarding.

Oh, and terrifying.

Utterly terrifying.

It's the wine bottle for me tonight!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's up!'s up.

A Good Old-Fashioned Rebound is available on for $2.99. I sent it in on Sunday, and much to my surprise, it went up almost immediately.

Now it's up and I'm not quite sure what to do.

I should probably be promoting it. Doing blog tours or getting aggressive on Twitter or something. But I've had a couple of big projects to deal with so promotion has been the last thing on my mind.

In the next couple of days you'll see more from me, I'm sure. :)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

In which I have things to report

I guess I'm not very good at posting on this thing, am I?

Big Book is done. It's formatted. I am actually taking a break from flipping through the Kindle Previewer to post this. So far, so good; everything looks marvelous. Assuming the formatting holds up throughout, all I really have to do is create a plot description and then put it on sale.

It's scary.

Descriptions have never been my strong point, either, so I'm sure that's going to take another day of anguish.

With any luck, the whole shebang will be up in the next couple of days.